Statue Petition

Petition for a Pete Sampras Statue

To All Pete Sampras Fans,

Pete Sampras, winner of 14 Grand Slams is a tennis legend who needs to be remembered not only by his tennis fans worldwide, but by all who attend the U.S. Open and all who see the Grand Slam on television. For this reason, we believe that a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open would be a wonderful way of giving recognition to his great tennis.

Please sign our petition to send to the USTA asking them to erect a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open in New York in recognition of his many years of great tennis.

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Lucio Arzola |
Pete Sampras, The greatest player of the planet.!!!!

Gracias Sampras!!!!!. desde Mexico, con mucho cariņo y respeto.
14 August 2008 - Monclova, Coah, Mexico
maria |
Pete Sampras, Greatest of All Time, though he's too humble to crown himself, should be memorialized on the grounds of the US Open. Thank you Pete for your no-frills thrills; you are the Real Thing, simple & beautiful.
14 August 2008 - Long Island, NY
Todd Blakely |
Pete remains the most amazing player of all time. He embodies all that is great about the sport. This would be a fitting tridute to the greatest US tennis player of all time.
14 August 2008 - Vallejo CA
Gautam |
There is no one who deserves this more than Sampras. 14 Grand Slams. 6 yrs at No. 1. 5 US opens won in 3 different decades. Never lost a match under lights at the Open.
Sampras is the emobidment of a perfect sportsperson. And America owes this to Sampras for not appreciating him enough during his playing days
14 August 2008 - Chicago, IL
Gabriel De Leon
Win his 1st and 14th Grand Slams there, chip in three in between, then the fact that he just loves playing this Open. A player on his own league in terms of gameplay smarts and court sportsmanship, you have to give him credit, that guy Sampras. I think the statue would serve more than enough for that.
14 August 2008
Allen Hecht |
Pete Sampras was the greatest player of his era, if not of all time. Not just for the number of titles he won, but how he won them. He eptimizes grace and sportmanship, and tennis never had a better representative. If there can be a statue of Rocky in Philadelphia, there should be a status of Pete at the US Open facilties.
14 August 2008 - Charlotte NC
Gordon Plocher |
This is your duty.
14 August 2008 - Union HAll, VA
Tim Hotchkin
Is there any player in the modern era who deserves a stature at the BJK National Tennis Center more than Sampras? Winning the first and last of his record-breaking 14 Grand Slams at the US Open should make that answer obvious.
14 August 2008 - St Paul, MN
Graham Riley
What a super idea a statue is! Perfect place at Flushing Meadows.where it all started and ended for an amazing career! He showed such grace, such dignity and an amazing spirit when he played. So many trials and tribulations during his career but he handled them with such class!
14 August 2008 - Birmingham, United Kingdom
Mitch Gavin
Pete definitely deserves a statue. The best American player of all time and 2nd best player ever! He ruled the US Open and won through strength and (vomiting against Alex Corretja, remember?) weakness!
14 August 2008

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